Monday, April 06, 2015


 This is unusual subject matter for me; not architectural nor brightly colored. But I'm enjoying trying to paint this and it reminds me of a poetry workshop I recently attended, which focused on how one art form can inspire another. I think poetry is more about feeling than writing the way painting is more about looking than brushstroking.

I'm definitely inspired by listening to music and, as I continue to work on this painting for a friend, here's an attempt at a poem inspired by people in the Ohio Poetry Association who recently read theirs after a visit to our studios in the Pendleton Art Center. 


How infinitely the divine spark ignites
to cast lanterns that light our journeys
in a turn of phrase or well-chosen word,
chords that expand the lungs
even when we don't sing them,
ancient steps and columns,
the golden mean,
ingenious construction,
elegant equations,
a perfectly-tuned engine,
juicy colors,
listening eyes,
elegant code,
the stillness of a pose,
grace in motion,
a welcoming smile,
the familiar viewed in a new way.

Life is short but art is long
and more vast than we imagine.
Seek and ye shall find
darkness or light
warmth and ice.