Monday, September 24, 2012

Keuka Lake Day 3: Watching for the Light

Today looks like it will be a beautiful sunny day; hooray! Getting into this knife painting with oils on the screened in porch of the Red Barn studio every morning but I thought it would be good to do some at different times of the day too. (This one painted between 2-3 pm). The scene I chose to paint first thing Wednesday morning was this one: 

But the light was changing quickly as the sun rose higher behind me and by 10:30 am, it looked completely different, so I decided to knock off and hope that Thursday or Friday morning light will let me get back to it again.

Dramatic sunlight effects, especially on homes or buildings, are what inspire me most about subject matter, whether in a photograph or real life. My Red Barn scene isn't lit correctly to work on yet today ... I'm thinking I'll have to wait at least an hour and may have from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm to capture it with the right light. Realizing that will probably keep me from visiting the Yates County Art Center building on Main Street in Penn Yan today, as I'd planned, I phoned Kris Pearson to let her know that. Then I warmed up for the Red Barn by painting a little vertical of this view.

Progress continued on the big Red Barn painting (with hostas) until I took a lunch break and then painted the little knife painting in oils. Now it's off to taste some great wines before dinner.