Friday, December 30, 2011

I can see clearly again!

Sometime this summer, after the 4th of July, I realized I was having problems with my vision. But I didn't think much about it until I went to get my driver's license renewed. The state of Ohio gave me a license, even though I couldn't see a single line in the eye test without double vision. Boy, have I ever been a defensive driver ever since!

But with all the eye trouble in my family, I was scared and went to the eye doctor within the week. Imagine my surprise to learn I had severe cataracts in both eyes. Thankfully, that's something the Cincinnati Eye Institute could do something about, unlike my mother's macular degeneration.

However, it was daunting to learn that the solution was to replace the lenses in both my eyes with artificial ones. It's made me think a lot about artists through the years who didn't have that option.

Now that Dr. Michael E. Snyder has implanted new lenses in both my eyes, I can see again! What a miracle! I am so grateful. What's interesting is that the cataracts had not affected my painting as much as it had other aspects of my life. I realize now how little I have seen of people's facial expressions, especially their eyes, for quite some time. And how much communication comes from those things.

Lots of friends wondered if I'd see colors differently. Since they operate on one eye at a time, I could tell that there was really no difference in color, only in the amount of detail and clarity I'm now able to see. I wish you and yours a Happy 2012 and I look forward to the new year blessed with improved vision.