Thursday, June 18, 2009

What a treat it is to paint every day; what I've dreamed of for years and never thought I'd do! This week, the results have been mixed but I'm pleased about the different subjects I worked on -- 5 different ones so far -- and the different media: acrylics, water-based oils, drawing in charcoal pencil and mixed media with colored pencils over paint. Today I painted for a little under 3 hours and walked for an hour.

When I started this painting, it seemed like it wasn't going to work and I was bored with it. But then it got to a point where I got very enthused about it. I should have quit about 30-40 minutes before I did; it looked better then and I overworked it and couldn't get it back to where it was.

Kevin MacPherson's right: you learn how to look and you learn a lot about looking from painting every day. In a funny way, it's fitting right in with my goal of walking an hour a day too.