Monday, August 10, 2009

A friend of mine sends out a schedule to paint outdoors every Saturday morning while the weather's nice. She tells me what fun it's been to catch up with friends this way, as well as paint, much like I'm experiencing with my daily walks.

So I went to her paint out the other day at Miami Whitewater Forest. Loved painting, the beautiful day, talking to people and the accompanying music from the Appalachian festival there. Hated the little painting I did so much that I won't put it up here:( Next week: Glenwood Gardens.

Planning for Ohio Plein Air Society (OPAS) paint out in Milford Sat Aug 22. An event at Performance Lexus at Kings Auto Mall on Thurs Sept 9 promoting the annual Mason Arts Festival on Sunday Sept 20. FreshART paint out and auction at Behringer-Crawford Museum in Devou Park on Sat Sept 19. And Habitat for Humanity benefit at Longworth Hall that same night.

Missed Saturday open house at Loveland on Main studios but hope to catch the "dueling demos" at Evendale Art Center this Friday night Aug 14 and John Leon's exhibit at the 5th Street Gallery opening Aug 21.